How to Improve the Unboxing of your E-Commerce Packaging



The phenomenon of unboxing (the photos and videos of opening packages in cardboard box with lids seen by thousands of consumers), increasingly prevalent on the web, is now pushing e-merchants to review their packaging strategy.

How to Improve the Unboxing of your E-Commerce Packaging

If you do not understand your packaging and unboxing policy, you risk a terrible buzz on social networks, for example, by being stamped #excessive packaging ("packaging surplus" in French).

Discover here four steps to improve the unboxing of your e-Commerce packaging, from the packaging to the "little extras" that make all the difference.

Four tips to improve the unboxing of your e-commerce packaging

  1. Take care of the unpacking of your packages
  2. Give an eco-responsible image to your company
  3. Customize the invoice
  4. Incorporate a "little extra" into the unboxing of your packaging
  5. Take care of the unpacking of your packages

When unboxing your packaging, your customers may experience a first pitfall, which will leave them with a wrong impression. For example, if your custom packaging for small business is oversized about your product or uses too much wedging, this could harm your client experience.

Package size

Make sure to adapt the product as much as possible to its packaging. The subtlety of this process lies in finding the packaging that will protect your goods well, without abusing raw materials.

There are always many different references, whatever your type of packaging (box, pouches, tubes, etc.). Measure your merchandise well, and take its weight into account, to find the appropriate packaging, resistant but closer to the size of the order.

Do you want to find the ideal crate for your shipments?

If your inventory has a lot of different SKUs and product formats, try to find intermediate package sizes. Your goal: not to increase the number of packaging references (which would harm your packaging budget and the productivity of your operators). Either way, you will also need to think about your wedging process to improve the unboxing experience of your packaging truly.


The choice of wedging

The choice of your wedging method will also affect the general impression of your packaging unboxing. When opening your package, customers concerned about respecting the environment will be disappointed to see plastic packing particles or irritated by the rate of raw material used.

However, your timing method remains essential in your strategy. For example, if your merchandise is broken, 73% of customers say they will not recommend it to you (Package Insight study for Précis, 2016).

So be sure to replace plastic cushioning materials with alternatives that will produce a better customer experience, such as:

Air cushions, which ensure lighter packages and give an impression of transparency. Integrated wedging packaging, particularly effective if you have a large number of single-product or recurring orders ...

On the packaging side, you're ready to create an excellent first impression on your customers when unboxing.

Give your business an eco-responsible image.

According to an Opinion way survey in June 2017, 90% of consumers believe that a business can be economically and environmentally successful.

It'sIt's a fact: your customers are increasingly demanding in terms of eco-responsibility. Plastic packaging and packing and the vacuum in packaging could soon significantly damage the image of an e-commerce company.

So think about:

Find eco-responsible alternatives to your current packaging. has designed for your whole range of green packaging, which you will find here. Recycled plastic, bio-based or biodegradable packaging… the choice is a plethora and will allow you to find the ideal for your packages.

Would you please indicate on the packaging its preferred method of disposal and sorting? A simple logo, and a few lines to show in which bin the product can be placed, is enough to improve your eco-responsible image. Reduce the weight and volume of your packaging to reduce the void in your packages, and therefore your environmental impact.

Do not hesitate to communicate widely and intelligently on these eco-responsible initiatives on all your communication channels, online or offline. Your goal is to prove that you take as much care of your customers as on the planet!

Customize the invoice

Unboxing your packaging is also an excellent opportunity to communicate with your customers directly and make them want to buy from you again. Traditionally, e-merchants include an invoice in their packages. So why not make this simple piece of paper an accurate, personalized communication tool?

Here are some tips to make your paper invoices, in your packages, an additional element that will improve your customer experience:

Insert the invoice in a personalized pouch. Your bill is often brought to you in a pretty pocket at the restaurant: why not take inspiration from it? Offer your customers a coupon or reduction on their future purchases, or explain your referral process to them. A marketing method that arouses interest in a subsequent re-purchase.

Ask your customers to share their experience on social networks or send it to you by return email. You will thus reap valuable returns to reuse in your marketing or packaging strategy. Clearly explain the conditions for returning your products. This will prevent any questions regarding your return policy.

Incorporate a "little extra" into the unboxing of your packaging

Some brands have complete control over the unboxing of their packaging and create a natural "wow effect", which is very beneficial for the company. This is the case with Sesame, a clothing brand that masters are unboxing wonderfully. In addition, the photos of their magnificent packages are shared virally on social networks and contribute to the brand's influence.

To "play it like Sesame", there are several ways to please your customers as soon as your packaging is unboxed:

Personalize the inside of the box, thanks to tailor-made e-commerce packaging designed specifically for your brand. That's what Cheers chose to do: discover the history of their packaging here.

Use silk paper, personalized or not, to make the interior of your packaging attractive.

Include small gifts in your packages:

Do not hesitate to ask your customers about their tastes and what your brand means to them to define your universe and how it will appear in your packages.

Eco-responsible, personalized, delivery-proof packaging: you are now ready to master the unboxing of your packaging and create a memorable experience for your customers.



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