
Showing posts from July, 2021


  Why do we give gifts? What motivates us to do this, and why do we put so much effort into choosing the right gift? Why are we wrapping the gift and not just handing it over? Gift boxes are much more than empty cardboard boxes waiting to be filled. Gift boxes are proof that you know the recipient's taste and have made an effort to adapt the box accordingly And, as we all know, first impressions are everything! Find the right gift box Filling gift boxes with life Gift boxes for EVERYONE variations Environmentally friendly packaging Lid design Gift box for weddings Giving is fun! If you are faced with the big task of choosing the right gift, you know that it is often not that easy. We want to give something special, something with character and history, something emotional that expresses, "Look, I made an effort." Giving is much more than fulfilling one's duty; giving should be fun and show the recipient that we value them because nothing flatters us


  October is an octagonal cardboard box. The name comes from the Latin word "octa": "eight." Why was it necessary to give the packaging such a complex shape? The fact is that with an increase in the number of faces, the strength of the walls increases. October shape Octagonal packaging is used for heavy goods and cargo that exert significant pressure on the container walls. The fact is that the pressure on the wall increases along with its area. Thus the eight sides of the octabin make it possible to strengthen the container and make it more rigid. As a result, the load resistance of such a package is much higher than that of a classic rectangular box. Get wholesale custom packaging for save your money. The specific shape of the octabin allows you to preserve the valuable volume of the container, making it more rigid. In addition, the inner area of ​​the container is closer to the cylinder while also increasing its resistance. Octanes are produced in two ty